Muxup implementation notes

2022Q3. Last update Dec 2024. History↓

This article contains a few notes on various implementation decisions made when creating the Muxup website. They're intended primarily as a reference for myself, but some parts may be of wider interest. See about for more information about things like site structure.

Site generation

I ended up writing my own script for generating the site pages from a tree of Markdown files. Zola seems like an excellent option, but as I had a very specific idea on how I wanted pages to be represented in source form and the format and structure of the output, writing my own was the easier option (see gen). Plus, yak-shaving is fun.

I opted to use mistletoe for Markdown parsing. I found a few bugs in the traverse helper function when implementing some transformations on the generated AST, but upstream was very responsive about reviewing and merging my PRs. The main wart I've found is that parsing and rendering aren't fully separated, although this doesn't pose any real practical concern for my use case and will hopefully be fixed in the future. mistune also seemed promising, but has some conformance issues.

One goal was to keep everything possible in standard Markdown format. This means, for instance, avoiding custom frontmatter entries or link formats if the same information could be extracted from the file). Therefore:

All CSS was written through the usual mix of experimentation (see simple-reload for the page reloading solution I used to aid iterative development) and learning from the CSS used by other sites.

Randomly generated title highlights

The main visual element throughout the site is the randomised, roughly drawn highlight used for the site name and article headings. This takes some inspiration from the RoughNotation library (see also the author's description of the algorithms used), but uses my own implementation that's much more tightly linked to my use case.

The core logic for drawing these highlights is based around drawing the SVG path:

This logic is implemented in preparePath and reproduced below (with the knowledge the offset(delta) is a helper to return a random number between delta and -delta, hopefully it's clear how this relates to the logic described above):

function preparePath(hlInfo) {
  const parentRect = hlInfo.svg.getBoundingClientRect();
  const rects = hlInfo.hlEl.getClientRects();
  let pathD = "";
  for (const rect of rects) {
    const x = rect.x - parentRect.x, y = rect.y - parentRect.y,
          w = rect.width, h = rect.height;
    const mid_y = y + h / 2;
    let maxOff = w < 75 ? 3 : w < 300 ? 6 : 8;
    const divergePoint = .2 + .2 * Math.random();
    pathD = `${pathD}
      M${x+offset(maxOff)} ${mid_y+offset(maxOff)}
      C${x+w*divergePoint+offset(maxOff)} ${mid_y+offset(maxOff)},
       ${x+2*w*divergePoint+offset(maxOff)} ${mid_y+offset(maxOff)}
       ${x+w+offset(maxOff)} ${mid_y+offset(maxOff)}`;
  hlInfo.nextPathD = pathD;
  hlInfo.strokeWidth = 0.85*rects[0].height;

I took some care to avoid forced layout/reflow by batching together reads and writes of the DOM into separate phases when drawing the initial set of highlights for the page, which is why this function is generates the path but doesn't modify the SVG directly. Separate logic adds handlers to links that are highlighted continuously redraw the highlight (I liked the visual effect).

Minification and optimisation

I primarily targeted the low-hanging fruit here, and avoided adding in too many dependencies (e.g. separate HTML and CSS minifiers) during the build. is a very lightweight site - the main extravagance I've allowed myself is the use of a webfont (Nunito) but that only weighs in at ~36KiB (the variable width version converted to woff2 and subsetted using pyftsubset from fontTools). As the CSS and JS payload is so small, it's inlined into each page.

The required JS for the article pages and the home page is assembled and then minified using terser. This reduces the size of the JS required for the page you're reading from 5077 bytes to 2620 bytes uncompressed (1450 bytes to 991 bytes if compressing the result with Brotli, though in practice the impact will be a bit different when compressing the JS together with the rest of the page + CSS). When first published, the page you are reading (including inlined CSS and JS) was ~27.7KiB uncompressed (7.7KiB Brotli compressed), which compares to 14.4KiB for its source Markdown (4.9KiB Brotli compressed).

Each page contains an embedded stylesheet with a conservative approximation of the minimal CSS needed. The total amount of CSS is small enough that it's easy to manually split between the CSS that is common across the site, the CSS only needed for the home page, the CSS common to all articles, and then other CSS rules that may or may not be needed depending on the page content. For the latter case, CSS snippets to include are gated on matching a given string (e.g. <kbd for use of the <kbd> tag). For my particular use case, this is more straight forward and faster than e.g. relying on PurgeCSS as part of the build process.

The final trick on the frontend is prefetching. Upon hovering on an internal link, it will be fetched (see the logic at the end of common.js for the implementation approach), meaning that in the common case any link you click will already have been loaded and cached. More complex approaches could be used to e.g. hook the mouse click event and directly update the DOM using the retrieved data. But this would require work to provide UI feedback during the load and the incremental benefit over prefetching to prime the cache seems small.

Serving using Caddy

I had a few goals in setting up Caddy to serve this site:

Perhaps because my requirements were so specific, this turned out to be a little more involved than I expected. If seeking to understand the Caddyfile format and Caddy configuration in general, I'd strongly recommend getting a good understanding of the key ideas by reading Caddyfile concepts, understanding the order in which directives are handled by default and how you might control the execution order of directives using the route directive or use the handle directive to specify groups of directives in a mutually exclusive fashion based on different matchers. The Composing in the Caddyfile article provides a good discussion of these options).

Ultimately, I wrote a quick test script for the desired properties and came up with the following Caddyfile that meets almost all goals:

	servers {
		protocol {

(muxup_file_server) {
	file_server {
		index ""
		precompressed br
} {
	redir{uri} 308
	header Cache-Control "max-age=2592000, stale-while-revalidate=2592000"
} {
	root * /var/www/
	encode gzip
	log {
		output file /var/log/caddy/
	header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"

	vars short_cache_control "max-age=3600"
	vars long_cache_control "max-age=2592000, stale-while-revalidate=2592000"

	@method_isnt_GET_or_HEAD not method GET HEAD
	@path_is_suffixed_with_html_or_br path *.html *.html/ *.br *.br/
	@path_or_html_suffixed_path_exists file {path}.html {path}
	@html_suffixed_path_exists file {path}.html
	@path_or_html_suffixed_path_doesnt_exist not file {path}.html {path}
	@path_is_root path /
	@path_has_trailing_slash path_regexp ^/(.*)/$

	handle @method_isnt_GET_or_HEAD {
		error 405
	handle @path_is_suffixed_with_html_or_br {
		error 404
	handle @path_has_trailing_slash {
		route {
			uri strip_suffix /
			header @path_or_html_suffixed_path_exists Cache-Control "{vars.long_cache_control}"
			redir @path_or_html_suffixed_path_exists {path} 308
			error @path_or_html_suffixed_path_doesnt_exist 404
	handle @path_is_root {
		rewrite index.html
		header Cache-Control "{vars.short_cache_control}"
		import muxup_file_server
	handle @html_suffixed_path_exists {
		rewrite {path}.html
		header Cache-Control "{vars.short_cache_control}"
		import muxup_file_server
	handle * {
		header Cache-Control "{vars.long_cache_control}"
		import muxup_file_server
	handle_errors {
		header -Cache-Control
		respond "{err.status_code} {err.status_text}"

A few notes on the above:


The simplest possible solution - don't have any.

Last but by no means least, is the randomly selected doodle at the bottom of each page. I select images from the Quick, Draw! dataset and export them to SVG to be randomly selected on each page load. A rather scrappy script contains logic to generate SVGs from the dataset's NDJSON format and contains a simple a Flask application that allows selecting desired images from randomly displayed batches from each dataset.

With examples such as O'Reilly's beautiful engravings of animals on their book covers there's a well established tradition of animal illustrations on technical content - and what better way to honour that tradition than with a hastily drawn doodle by a random person on the internet that spins when your mouse hovers over it?

Article changelog