Notes from the Carbon panel session at EuroLLVM 2024

2024Q2. Last update May 2024. History↓

Last month I had the pleasure of attending EuroLLVM which featured a panel session on the Carbon programming language. It was recorded and of course we all know automated transcription can be stunningly accurate these days, yet I still took fairly extensive notes throughout. I often take notes (or near transcriptions) as I find it helps me process. I'm not sure whether I'm adding any value by writing this up, or just contributing entropy but here it goes. You should of course assume factual mistakes or odd comments are errors in my transcription or interpretation, and if you keep an eye on the LLVM YouTube channel you should find the session recording uploaded there in the coming months.

First, a bit of background on the session, Carbon, and my interest in it. Carbon is a programming language started by Google aiming to be used in many cases where you would currently use C++ (billed as "an experimental successor to C++"). The Carbon README gives a great description of its goals and purpose, but one point I'll highlight is that ease of interoperability with C++ is a key design goal and constraint. The project recognises that this limits the options for the language to such a degree that it explicitly recommends that if you are able to make use of a modern language like Go, Swift, Kotlin, or Rust, then you should. Carbon is intended to be there for when you need that C++ interoperability. Of course, (and as mentioned during the panel) there are parallel efforts to improve Rust's ability to interoperate with C++.

Whatever other benefits the Carbon project is able to deliver, I think there's huge value in the artefacts being produced as part of the design and decision making process so far. This has definitely been true of languages like Swift and especially Rust, where going back through the development history there's masses of discussion on difficult decisions e.g. (in the case of Rust) green threads, the removal of typestate, or internal vs external iterators. The Swift Evolution and Rust Internals forums are still a great read, but obviously there's little ability to revisit fundamental decisions at this point. I try to follow Carbon's development due to a combination of its openness, the fact it's early stage enough to be making big decisions (e.g. lambdas in Carbon), and also because they're exploring different design trade-offs than those other languages (e.g. the Carbon approach to definition-checked generics). I follow because I'm a fan of programming language design discussion, not necessarily because of the language itself, which may or may not turn out to be something I'm excited to program in. As a programming language development lurker I like to imagine I'm learning something by osmosis if nothing else - but perhaps it's just a displacement activity...

If you want to keep up with Carbon, then check out their recently started newsletter, issues/PRs/discussions on GitHub and there's a lot going on on Discord too (I find group chat distracting so don't really follow there). The current Carbon roadmap is of course worth a read too. In case I wasn't clear enough already, I have no affiliation to the project. From where I'm standing, I'm impressed by the way it's being designed and developed out in the open, more than (rightly or wrongly) you might assume given the Google origin.

Notes from the panel session

The panel "Carbon: An experiment in different tradeoffs" took place on April 11th at EuroLLVM 2024. It was moderated by Hana Dusíková and the panel members were Chandler Carruth, Jon Ross-Perkins, and Richard Smith. Rather than go through each question in the order they were asked I've tried to group together questions I saw as thematically linked. Anything in quotes should be a close approximation of what was said, but I can't guarantee I didn't introduce errors.

Background and basics of Carbon

This wasn't actually the first question, but I think a good starting point is 'how would you sell Carbon to a C++ user?'. Per Chandler, "we can provide a better language, tooling, and ecosystem without needing to leave everything you built up in C++ (both existing code and the training you had). The cost of leveraging carbon should have as simple a ramp as possible. Sometimes you need performance, we can give more advanced tools to help you get the most performance from your code. In other cases, it's security and we'll be able to offer more tools here than C++. It's having the ability to unlock improvements in the language without having to walk away from your investments in C++, that of course isn't going anywhere."

When is it going to be done? Chandler: "When it's ready! We're trying to put our roadmap out there publicly where we can. It's a long term project. Our goal for this year is to get the toolchain caught up with the language design, get into building practical C++ interop this year. There are many unknowns in terms of how far we'll get this year, but next year I think you'll see a toolchain that works and you can do interesting stuff with and evaluate in a more concrete context."

As for the size of the team and how many companies are contributing, the conclusion was that Google is definitely the main backer right now but there are others starting to take a look. There are probably about 5-10 people active on Carbon in any different week, but it varies so this can be a different set of people from week to week.

Given we've established that Google are still the main backer, one line of questioning was about what Google see in it and how management were convinced to back it. Richard commented "I think we're always interested in exploring new possibilities for how to deal with our existing C++ codebase, which is a hugely valuable asset for us. That includes both looking at how we can keep the C++ language itself happy and our tools for it being good and maintainable, but also places we might take it in the future. For a long time we've been talking about if we can build something that works better for our use case than existing tools, and had an opportunity to explore that and went with it."

A fun question that followed later aimed to establish the favourite thing about Carbon from each of the panel members (of course, it's nice that much of this motivation overlaps with the reasons for my own interest!):

Finally, (for this section) there was also some intriguing discussion about Carbon's design tradeoffs. This is covered mostly elsewhere, but I think Chandler's answer focusing on the philosophy of Carbon rather than technical implementation details fits well here: "One of the philosophical goals of our language design is we don't try to solve hard problems in the compiler. [In other languages] there's often a big problem and the compiler has to solve it, freeing the programmer from worrying about it. Instead we provide the syntax and ask the programmer to tell us. e.g. for type inference, you could imagine having Hindley-Milner type inference. That's a hard problem, even if it makes ergonomics better in some cases. So we use a simpler and more direct type system. You see this crop up all over the language design."

Carbon governance

The first question related to organisation of the project and its governance was about what has been done to make it easier for contributors to get involved. My interpretation of the responses is that although they've had some success in attracting new contributors, the feeling is that there's more that could be done here. e.g. from Jon "Things like maintaining the project documentation, writing a start guide on how to build. We're making some different infrastructure choices, e.g. bazel, but in general we're trying to use things people are familiar with: GitHub, GH actions etc. There's probably still room for improvement. Listening to the LLVM newcomers session a couple of days ago gave me some ideas. Right now there's probably a lot of challenge learning how the different model works in Carbon."

The governance model for Carbon in general was something Chandler had a lot to say about:

Further questioning led to additional points being made about the governance model, such as the fact there are now several community members unaffiliated to Google with commit privileges, that the project goals are documented which helps contributors understand if a proposal is likely to be aligned with Carbon or not, and that these goals are potentially changeable if people come in with good arguments as to why they should be updated.

Carbon vs other languages

Naturally, there were multiple questions related to Carbon vs Rust. In terms of high-level comparisons, the panel members were keen to point out that Rust is a great language and is mature, while Carbon remains at an early stage. There are commonalities in terms of the aim to provide modern type system features to systems programmers, but the focus on C++ interoperability as a goal driving the language design is a key differentiator.

Thoughts about Rust naturally lead to questions about Carbon's memory safety story, and whether Carbon plans to have something like Rust's borrow checker. Richard commented "I think it's possible to get something like that. We're not sure exactly what it will look like yet, we're planning to look at this more between the 0.1 and 0.2 milestone. Borrow checking is an interesting option to pursue but there are some others to explore."

Concerns were also raised about whether given that C++ interop is such a core goal of Carbon, it may have problems as C++ continues to evolve (perhaps with features that clash with features add in Carbon). Chandler's response was "As long as clang gets new C++ features, we'll get them. Similar to how swift's interop works, linking the toolchain and using that to understand the functionality. If C++ starts moving in ways addressing the safety concerns etc that would be fantastic. We could shut down carbon! I don't think that's very likely. In terms of functionality that would make interop not work well that's a bit of a concern, but of course if C++ adds something they need it to interop with existing C++ code so we face similar constraints. While Richard commented "C++ modules is a big one we need to keep an eye on. But at the moment as modules adoption hasn't taken off in a big way yet, we're still targeting header files." There was also a brief exchange about what if Carbon gets reflection before C++, with the hope that if it did happen it could help with the design process by giving another example for C++ to learn from (just as Carbon learns from Rust, Swift, Go, C++, and others).

Compiler implementation questions

EuroLLVM is of course a compilers conference, so there was a lot of curiousity about the implementation of the Carbon toolchain itself. In discussing trade-offs in the design, Jon leapt into a discussion of this "to go for SemIR vs a traditional AST. In Clang the language is represented by an AST, which is what you're typically taught about how compilers work. We have a semantic IR model where we produce lex tokens, then a parse tree (slightly different to an AST) an then it becomes SemIR. This is very efficient and fast to process, lowers to LLVM IR very easily, but it's a different model and a different way to think about writing a compiler. To the earlier point about newcomers, it's something people have to learn and a bit of a barrier because of that. We try to address it, but it is a trade-off." Jon since provided more insight on Carbon's implementation approach in a recent /r/ProgrammingLanguages thread.

Given what Carbon devs have learned about applying data oriented design to optimise the frontend (see talks like Modernizing Compiler Design for Carbon Toolchain), could the same ideas be applied to the backend? Chandler commented on the tradeoff he sees "By necessity with data-oriented design you have to specialise a lot. We think we can benefit from this a lot with the frontend at the cost of reusability. The trade-off might be different within LLVM."

When asked about whether the Carbon frontend may be reusable for other tools (reducing duplicated effort writing parsers for Carbon), Jon responded "I'm pretty confident at least through the parse tree it will be reusable. I'm more hesitant to make that claim through to SemIR. It may not be the best choice for everyone, and in some cases you may want more of an AST. But providing these tools as part of the language project like a formatter, migration tool [for language of API changes], something like clang-tidy, we're going to be taking on these costs ourselves which is going to incentivise us to find ways of amortising this and finding the right balance."

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