Clarifying instruction semantics with P-Code


I've recently had a need to step through quite a bit of disassembly for different architectures, and although some architectures have well-written ISA manuals it can be a bit jarring switching between very different assembly syntaxes (like "source, destination" for AT&T vs "destination, source" for just about everything else) or tedious looking up different ISA manuals to clarify the precise semantics. I've been using a very simple script to help convert an encoded instruction to a target-independent description of its semantics, and thought I may as well share it as well as some thoughts on its limitations.


The script is simplicity itself, thanks to the pypcode bindings to Ghidra's SLEIGH library which provides an interface to convert an input to the P-Code representation. Articles like this one provide an introduction and there's the reference manual in the Ghidra repo but it's probably easiest to just look at a few examples. P-Code is used as the basis of Ghidra's decompiler and provides a consistent human-readable description of the semantics of instructions for supported targets.

Here's an example aarch64 instruction:

$ ./instruction_to_pcode aarch64 b874c925
-- 0x0: ldr w5, [x9, w20, SXTW #0x0]
0) unique[0x5f80:8] = sext(w20)
1) unique[0x7200:8] = unique[0x5f80:8]
2) unique[0x7200:8] = unique[0x7200:8] << 0x0
3) unique[0x7580:8] = x9 + unique[0x7200:8]
4) unique[0x28b80:4] = *[ram]unique[0x7580:8]
5) x5 = zext(unique[0x28b80:4])

In the above you can see that the disassembly for the instruction is dumped, and then 5 P-Code instructions are printed showing the semantics. These P-Code instructions directly use the register names for architectural registers (as a reminder, AArch64 has 64-bit GPRs X0-X30 with the bottom halves acessible through W-W30). Intermediate state is stored in unique[addr:width] locations. So the above instruction sign-extends w20, adds to x9, and reads a 32-bit value from the resulting address, then zero-extends to 64-bits when storing into x5.

The output is somewhat more verbose for architectures with flag registers, e.g. cmpb $0x2f,-0x1(%r11) produces:

./instruction_to_pcode x86-64 --no-reverse-input "41 80 7b ff 2f"
-- 0x0: CMP byte ptr [R11 + -0x1],0x2f
0) unique[0x3100:8] = R11 + 0xffffffffffffffff
1) unique[0xbd80:1] = *[ram]unique[0x3100:8]
2) CF = unique[0xbd80:1] < 0x2f
3) unique[0xbd80:1] = *[ram]unique[0x3100:8]
4) OF = sborrow(unique[0xbd80:1], 0x2f)
5) unique[0xbd80:1] = *[ram]unique[0x3100:8]
6) unique[0x28e00:1] = unique[0xbd80:1] - 0x2f
7) SF = unique[0x28e00:1] s< 0x0
8) ZF = unique[0x28e00:1] == 0x0
9) unique[0x13180:1] = unique[0x28e00:1] & 0xff
10) unique[0x13200:1] = popcount(unique[0x13180:1])
11) unique[0x13280:1] = unique[0x13200:1] & 0x1
12) PF = unique[0x13280:1] == 0x0

But simple instructions that don't set flags do produce concise P-Code:

$ ./instruction_to_pcode riscv64 "9d2d"
-- 0x0: c.addw a0,a1
0) unique[0x15880:4] = a0 + a1
1) a0 = sext(unique[0x15880:4])

Other approaches

P-Code was an intermediate language I'd encountered before and of course benefits from having an easy to use Python wrapper and fairly good support for a range of ISAs in Ghidra. But there are lots of other options - angr (which uses Vex, taken from Valgrind) compares some options and there's more in this paper. Radare2 has ESIL, but while I'm sure you'd get used to it, it doesn't pass the readability test for me. The project uses QEMU's TCG. This is an attractive approach because you benefit from more testing and ISA extension support for some targets vs P-Code (Ghidra support is lacking for RVV, bitmanip, and crypto extensions).

Another route would be to pull out the semantic definitions from a formal spec (like Sail) or even an easy to read simulator (e.g. Spike for RISC-V). But in both cases, definitions are written to minimise repetition to some degree, while when expanding the semantics we prefer explicitness, so would want to expand to a form that differs a bit from the Sail/Spike code as written.

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